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Who should get tested and when?

Usually children who have difficulties in a certain field turn to get tested with the purpose of examining the source of the problems in order to establish the proper treatment.

Difficulties can be developmental (language, communication, motor, etc.), concentration based, emotional, learning difficulties and more.

When should you test your child?


You should test your child when there is an early detection of the difficulties by the educational staff at school, when you feel your child has not met the age milestones, or when your child's difficulties affect him (or his parents) emotionally, impacts family life and/or well being at school.

Pencil Bunch

Each child is unique 

What types of tests are there? Which are relevant in the educational framework?

There are a variety of tests that parents are sometimes sent  to by the school.

In preschool (usually before the age of 5), the parents are sent to check mainly developmental issues:


  • Occupational therapist - to examine fine motor skills

  • Speech therapist - for testing language skills

  • Neurologist - for testing attention deficit disorder

  • Psychiatrist - Psychological difficulties, communication disorders and attention deficit disorder

  • Physical therapist - for testing gross motor skills

  • Psychological / developmental tests – enable a broad picture of the child's abilities in cognitive and developmental fields.

During the last year of preschool
In addition to the tests already noted, at this age, psychological assessments are conducted mainly for children with a question as to their readiness and maturity for first grade.

During elementary school

Psychodidactic tests are conducted in order to detect learning disabilities (usually not before the end of second grade) in order to understand what kind of help is needed (usually specialized help at school)

During Junior high and high school

Psychological and aptitude tests (aka Psychodidactic tests) are conducted to find out if there are learning disabilities and the type of help the child needs, like learning and examination strategies. This includes specific help writing tests ("hatamot") on their high school or SAT exams known as "bagruyot" in Israel.

These tests allow focusing on the children's strengths, which are essential to the emotional well being of children that experience difficulties at school.

What is a Psychodidactic test?

The main objective of the test is to detect learning disabilities. For me, the test is a way to understand and see the unique features of each child, with their strengths and difficulties.


A broad picture is obtained of all the factors that may affect the functioning of the child, as well as the resources available to improve functioning, feelings and behavior. The test is divided into several parts:

1. Obtaining background information from the parents and the educational personnel about the child's current development and functioning, including family, educational, social and emotional factors, etc.

 2. Tests that examine the child's potential or intelligence

3. Aptitude tests such as reading, writing, math, English, memory, attention and more ...

4. Tests that asses emotional factorsthat may affect the child's behavior and well being.

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